Jack GriestockJackLevel 3 Professional CookeryI chose to study here because the facilities and equipment
are amazing, I am taught by professional chefs looking to
share their knowledge. I enjoy meeting new people,
trying new food and learning new techniques.
Isla AppletonIslaLevel 3 Hospitality Management and SupervisionI chose to study here because I wanted to do a hospitality
course rather than several A Level subjects. I like the
people I work with and the practical elements prepare
me for going into the hospitality industry in the future.
Noah HillNoahLevel 3 Hospitality Management and SupervisionI like that we have a public restaurant and great facilities,
our teachers are passionate about the subject and are
always willing to help. When I finish College I plan to
travel and work in a restaurant.
KatieLevel 3 Professional ChefI really enjoy all the practical work and making a variety
of dishes. All the teachers are bubbly and enthusiastic
about the course which makes it more enjoyable.
I hope to work in pastry in the future.
Katie Ryder
Brandon-PaulLevel 2 Professional ChefI love cooking because there's so much you can do. We cover
so many different things so there is always something new
to learn. The College is a very welcoming place that has
allowed me to make new friends and enhance my skills.
Brandon Paul Bowles

What Our Student’s Say