Firstly, may I extend a really warm welcome to you, as parents and carers of students joining (or re-joining) us, here at Colchester Institute.
These pages are designed to provide you with information which will help you to support your son or daughter to enrol and settle quickly in to College, so they can have a productive, enjoyable and successful time on their programme of study.
We have tried to include everything that you may need to know, but please use the contact details found further down the page to phone or email us if you still have other questions.
Our aim is to ensure that all our students have the opportunity and encouragement to engage positively with their programme of study; to attend regularly; to work hard and to achieve the best results that they can.
In doing this, we also hope to prepare and inspire our students to take their next steps into interesting and rewarding careers or higher level programmes of study.
Experience has shown us that students are most successful when Colleges work in partnership with parents to support them. We look forward to a long and successful partnership with you, and your son or daughter, and hope to see you at future College events.
With best wishes
Alison Andreas Principal and Chief Executive
Parents’ Information Event Summer 2024
This information has been developed to provide applicants and prospective students with more information about Colchester Institute to prepare you for starting in September.
Please take the time to review the information below, which include a message from our Principal, Alison Andreas and a presentation giving answers to many of our most frequently asked questions.
Key Information and Communicating with the College
How students keep in touch
When applying for a course, applicants provide an email address which is used for all communications right up to their enrolment, and many applicants use their parent’s email address.
Once enrolled, all new students are given a Colchester Institute email address, and from this point we will no longer use the email address supplied on the application form.
It is recommended that, where possible, students sync their college email accounts to their phone or other mobile device so that they can keep in touch and be updated easily. This will be covered in their college induction in September.
In addition, new students will be asked to download the CI Connect app if they have a smart phone. Use of this app allows them to access a range of college systems including viewing their timetable, communicating with course tutors and college friends, receiving exam results, updates and notifications, searching the library catalogue and reporting an absence. This is a really great resource for students and we strongly recommend its use.
Communication with parents
At enrolment, all students who are aged 17 and under on 31/8/2024 give consent for the College to communicate with their named Next of Kin(s) for the full academic year, even if they turn 18 mid-year. If parents/carers have been named as Next of Kin on the application form then we will be able to talk to them about their son or daughter’s attendance, progress and achievement. More than one Next of Kin can be named.
If you have any concerns about your son or daughter’s progress at college, you don’t need to wait to hear from us first so please do not hesitate to get in touch. The “Contact Us” section at the end of this page provides contact information for different teams within the College. If you know the name of your son or daughter’s tutor you can also email them by using the format:
Helping students to settle in
We know that for some students, settling into college can be difficult. The environment is very different to school, not least because of the size, and whilst most students thrive some will find the transition more difficult. If your son or daughter is struggling, then they must tell us how they are feeling as soon as possible so that we can work together to support them and discuss their options.
Staff know that settling in will be hard for some, they will be on hand to talk to students about their worries and concerns, and to help them adjust to their new surroundings. Every year there are some students who feel they have chosen the wrong course. In these cases our careers team are available to discuss options and, where possible, support a change of course.
We have a safeguarding and welfare team who are on campus to support any students who may need some help with anxiety, wellbeing or mental health concerns. The team’s contact details can be found at the end of this page and parents/carers are welcome to contact the team to discuss any concerns they might have, provided they are named as the student’s Next of Kin. The team also offer a referral service to counselling and many external agencies if this is deemed suitable and appropriate.
Money Matters
Costs of studying
There are no tuition fees for students aged between 16 and 18 on 1st September 2024 (dates of birth between 1/9/2005 and 31/8/2008) however, there are some programmes which have additional costs which could include:
Equipment costs – such as uniforms, kits, boots and so on
Information about any other costs will be discussed with your son or daughter, either at their welcome day or during induction in September.
Financial Support
There is a range of financial support which may be available for families who are on low incomes or in receipt of certain benefits; we can support students with the costs associated with their studies, including those listed above and also:
Support with transport costs
The College equivalent of Free School Meals (Free Meals at College)
Please note: Trips and enrichment activities will only be funded if they are a mandatory aspect of your son or daughter’s programme and, in most cases, are within the UK.
Eligibility criteria
Eligibility to the fund is dependent on your family claiming one of the following benefits:
Universal Credit (universal credit payments plus take home pay totalling less than £30,000 per annum)
Working Tax Credit (total tax credits plus net income totalling less than £30,000 per annum)
Child Tax Credit (not entitled to Working Tax Credit)
Income Support
Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance
Income related Employment and Support Allowance
Pension Credit
Applications from households with a net income exceeding £30,000 (benefit payments + take home pay) are not normally considered. However, if you feel that your household is in financial hardship, please submit an application, together with a supporting statement and evidence of the serious financial difficulties being experienced.
The bursary application form will be available online from 1st July 2024 on our website at You will find detailed guidance on how to complete the form and what financial evidence is required.
To successfully complete and submit the application you must upload supporting evidence of your financial status, including income and benefits. You are strongly advised to prepare and save your supporting evidence before starting to complete the form as you cannot save and return to it later. Please read the guidance thoroughly for more information on the process.
Please apply early to ensure funding is in place by the start of term as applications are assessed in date order. Applications received after the start of term may take longer to assess. You will receive notification of bursary decisions by email to the email address provided on the bursary application form. Please make sure you use an email address which you are able to check regularly; this can be your own email address or one for your son or daughter.
Food and Drink at College
Free Meals at College
When bursary applications have been assessed, students who request meals and meet the statutory eligibility for Free School Meals will be awarded £5.00 per day for each day of college attendance. In these cases, students will have £5.00 uploaded to their College ID card which they can use as a cashless payment to buy food and drink in college cafés and refectories.
If this applies to your household, please encourage your son or daughter to use this allowance, it is really simple to use, and we work with our catering providers to ensure meal deals and offers are available for £5.00.
This allowance is not transferable and is only available on days students are in college. If the allowance is not used, it cannot be rolled over to another day.
Cashless campuses
We operate an entirely cashless environment, and no cash payments can be made for food, drink or other services. Our cafés and refectories all accept contactless payment methods, inlcuding tap and pay, and we offer an optional cashless catering system called Upay.
You can upload credit to a Upay account, and then students use their College ID card to pay. This is supported by an app where you can see your balance, top up and review expenditure.
You can set up an account as a student, or for a student, as soon as you have a student ID number, this will be quoted on all emails relating to their college application. More information can be found here:
Food and drink at college
There are a number of in-house options for food and drink, with refectories offering a selection of breakfast options, main meals, drinks and snacks. Students can choose between healthy meals cooked on the premises, sandwiches and grab-and-go options.
At our Colchester Campus students can also eat food prepared and served by our catering students and there are also Costa Coffee and Starbucks branded outlets. There are daily meal deals offered at each campus with a selection of hot or cold options to help students to budget, and to fit in with the ‘Free Meals at College’ daily allowance, as well as snacks, fruit or a cheeky bit of chocolate!
Post-application and Enrolment
Enrolment Information 2025
All communications regarding enrolment are sent to the email address used throughout the application process. It is essential that all applicants are able to access their emails easily, and that they are checking them regularly.
Please note: In previous years we have found that some Colchester Institute emails went into spam or other email folders, to avoid this, applicants are advised to add us to their contact list and to keep checking spam folders. This is particularly the case for Gmail, Outlook, iCloud and Hotmail.
We know that enrolment can be an anxious time for some, and there will be staff from our admissions team on hand to help throughout, either by phone on 01206 712777, email at or our online chat function. We don’t close over the summer.
Enrolment consists of a few separate steps, but for the vast majority of applicants, it is quite a straightforward process. Information about each enrolment step will be published in due course as we head further into the application cycle and will be accessible from this page.
Online Enrolment Current Step – Step 1
Once you have your offer you will be asked to upload two photos. One to give official proof of your identity, and the other a photo for your ID card.
Applicants for full-time study programmes will begin to receive email instructions for Stage 1 of enrolment as we head further into the application cycle. If you have received your offer and are yet to complete stage 1 please follow the link below and proceed to our online enrolment section, where you will find instructions on how to do this.
Colchester Institute’s purpose is to develop students’ academic, technical and professional skills along with the knowledge and behaviours to succeed in life, work, and to help support the local economy. This means that a student’s time on campus covers lots more than just the subject qualification that they have enrolled on.
Students on a full-time study programme will usually have around 15 hours of timetabled classes per week, over three or more days, although some will have more. Each course is different and timetables will vary according to the student’s chosen subject area, their level of study and their GCSE English and Maths results.
All courses will include the four mandatory aspects outlined on these pages, and we have high expectations of student attendance, behaviour and conduct in all aspects of their course.
1) Main Qualification
This will form the largest part of a student’s programme, and will be made up of both theory and practical learning relevant to the subject, and it is fair to say this will be their favourite part!
Our experienced tutors will usually have worked in the industry, and indeed some still do. This means that at all stages they are able to relate the students’ learning to how this will apply if someone is working in the sector. At Colchester Institute we have workshops, studios and salons that mirror industry standards which means that students are using up-to-date equipment and developing relevant skills and experience.
2) English and Maths
As key skills for life, all students will continue to develop their English and maths with us. For anyone who has not yet achieved a grade 4 or above in one or both of these subjects, they must attend 2 hour
Student safety and security
We take our responsibility for student safety seriously at Colchester Institute and we endeavour to offer a safe and healthy environment. All students will be given a photo ID card and coloured lanyard during their induction in September. Entry to our campuses, and some buildings, is controlled using their ID cards and students must wear their lanyards at all times on campus. Your support in reinforcing this message is appreciated!
Ultimately, students must also take responsibility for their own wellbeing and safety, by following the College policies and procedures, and behaving respectfully and appropriately on and off campus, including on-line.
As parents/carers, if you have any concerns regarding safety or security there is a ‘report a security concern’ form in the 'Contact Us' section of our website, which can be accessed using the link below.
Colchester Institute welcomes students with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND), and we are committed to ensuring that all students feel valued, respected and supported at college. Reasonable adjustments to provision will be made to ensure students with SEND are not disadvantaged.
It is important we are told if additional learning support is needed as soon as possible so we can ensure correct support is in place. Additional learning support can include:
Learning support in and out of the classroom
Exam Access Arrangements
Support for hearing or visual impairment
Assistive technology support
Physical support
If a SEND has been declared on the application form this will have been noted. We may ask for more information to support this.
Applicants with a current Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are asked to provide us a copy of this as soon as possible. The College will work with them towards the outcomes in the plan, and to review their support needs whilst at college. The College will support these students through the Annual Review of their plan to ensure it remains up to date and to support students to prepare for adulthood.
Applicants who have Exam Access Arrangements at their current school/college should tell us so that we can review this. They may need an assessment with our specialist team to ensure the correct access arrangements are given and that this is the usual way working. These may include:
A reader
A scribe
A prompt
Small or separate room
Extra time
To find out more about Exam Access Arrangements click here to visit our examinations information section.
By car or bike There is student parking at our Colchester and Braintree Campuses, but as spaces are limited, ideally these should be used by students who need to travel some distance to college. Students will need to apply for a parking permit, and they must have their ID card with them to gain access to the campus.
There is a daily charge of £2.50* for parking at the Colchester Campus. We operate a cashless parking system using the “Just Park” App, which can be downloaded onto students' phones, or payment can be made by SMS or by phone. Information on parking is clearly displayed on signs in the students’ car park area. *correct at time of publishing.
Both campuses have bicycle racks for student use, and if used, students are advised to bring bike locks with them and use these at all times. In addition, there is moped and motorcycle parking at Colchester, which is free to use.
Electric scooters cannot be brought onto any campus.
By public transport
There are a number of bus and train routes that serve our Colchester and Braintree Campuses. The College has negotiated preferential rates with First Bus Group and Arriva Bus Group, which means that our students can get cheaper fares than members of the public, including a range of season ticket options. You can also order tickets for Abellio Greater Anglia Trains at a significantly discounted scholar rate.
As travel arrangements are varied and dependent on students’ ages and where they live, you are advised to visit the travel section of our website for the most up-to-date information.
For further information on travel, please contact our Student Finance team, using the contact information below.
While these telephone numbers all have Colchester dialling codes they can be used for questions regarding all campuses. Please note: the College does not close over the summer, staff are here all year to answer any enquiries.
If you have concerns, compliments or complaints that you want to tell us about then you can do so via our website here:
Student Absence
Students must report absences using our online reporting form, which is accessed through the Learner Hub.
Simply click on the button below to login and enter your details.
Please try to ensure that you make your report before 9am on the day of your absence
Please note: Students need to notify their tutor directly for lateness notifications.
Absence Line – Online Reporting
Other Enquiries
In order that we can quickly provide you with assistance please use the menu below to find the most appropriate enquiry route for your query.
This section contains answers to our most common questions about making an application. If you require further advice then at the end of this section is a link to our course enquiry form, where you can contact our admissions team directly.
How do I apply?
All applications must be made through our online application system.
You will need to create an account that you can then log back into to track your application.
We encourage you to apply as soon as possible. For full-time further education programmes our initial deadline for receiving applications is 31st January 2025 for a guaranteed place on your chosen programme (subject to you satisfying the entry requirements). We still accept applications after this date but may not be able to guarantee you a place on your chosen programme.
How do I apply for an apprenticeship?
If you would also like to be considered for an apprenticeship you must tick the appropriate box on your application.
Our apprenticeship team will contact you to discuss this further and provide you with further information.
As you need to have an employer to undertake an apprenticeship we will prioritise your full-time application until you have confirmed that you have an employment contract in place.
How can I get additional support?
If you have a disability or learning difficulty, you must tell us this on your application. Our support team will contact you for further information and to assess your needs.
If you are not sure about what of the support is available please speak to our Additional Learning Support team on 01206712073 or by emailing:
Our Additional Learning Support teams are also available at all of our open events.
Will my school/college be contacted?
If you are currently at school/college we will contact them to confirm your predicted GCSE grades and get general information about how you are progressing. We will also keep them up to date with the progress of your application.
Need further information?
Click on the button below to make an enquiry to our admissions team:
This section contains answers to our most common questions about what happens after making an application. If you require further advice then at the end of this section is a link to our course enquiry form, where you can contact our admissions team directly.
What if I change my mind about my course?
If at any point during the application process you wish to change your programme choice or cancel your application, please contact us as soon as possible. We can change a programme choice, but your original one will be withdrawn. Do not make a second application.
If you have already been made an offer, you will have to attend another interview for your new course.
Will I need a DBS check for my course
If your programme features contact with children or vulnerable adults, you will be asked to complete a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check before starting your programme. This will be listed as entry criteria in our prospectus.
There will be an additional cost associated with this.
When is my Welcome and Induction Day?
You will need to come to College for one day on either Monday 30th June (Colchester Campus only) or Tuesday 1st July 2025 (Colchester and Braintree Campus) to attend a Welcome and Induction Day. These are important for you to attend to start your induction and find out more about your programme of study. Keep checking your emails as we will send out more information about this, and other updates, throughout the year.
When I finish my programme, will I be able to progress onto the next level of study?
We always encourage our students to aim high to achieve their full potential. On most programmes there is an opportunity to progress on to a higher level and after Level 3 we offer a number of different degree level programmes too. Progression to a higher level is not guaranteed and will be subject to you gaining a satisfactory result in the preceding qualification and meeting the necessary entry requirements for the higher level qualification.
Need further information?
Click on the button below to make an enquiry to our admissions team:
Once your application has been submitted our admissions team will complete some data checks
Once you have submitted your application form, a member of the Admissions team will check all of your details and your predicted (or actual) grades, including checking that you meet the published entry criteria for your chosen subject. They might email you to ask for more information.
Once your application has been checked, for most programmes you will receive an email asking you to log in to your account and book your interview. The interview is to determine that you have applied for the most suitable programme of study.
Make sure you check your emails regularly or you may miss your interview slot.
If you have applied for Music or Performing Arts we will email you with a date and time for an audition.
All communications will be sent by email, so please check them regularly or you may miss your opportunity to come in for your interview.
Interviews could be in person or they could be on the phone. This will be confirmed in the email, so please check your emails regularly so that you don’t miss important information about your interview.
Interviews for those who we have received an application from will start to take place after our Autumn Open Events. The earlier in the academic year an application is made, the earlier an interview can take place.
What happens at my interview?
If you have a telephone interview, you will be asked to book a pre-arranged timeslot and you will need to be ready to answer your phones between the times stated. The call will come from either an 01206 number or it might show as withheld or unknown.
If you have an in-person interview, you will be asked to book a pre-arranged timeslot to come to the college. You will arrive, sign in at the Main Reception and wait for the teaching staff there.
The interview is designed to let out teaching staff find out about you and your interest in the course. To prepare you might want to think about what you enjoy doing, why you have applied for this course, what subjects you expect to do well in (if you are still at school/college) and how you will manage your revision in readiness for any exams.
How will I know if have been offered a place?
Once you have had your interview / audition we will email you to let you know if you have an offer. Offers will be subject to you meeting the published entry requirements of the chosen programme, once GCSE results have been published and provided to the College.
If you are not offered a place on your chosen programme, we will do our best to support you in finding an appropriate alternative.
Your offer
After your interview you will be sent an email to confirm whether you have been offered a place. Please remember to keep checking your email account so that you don’t miss this as it will include important information on your next steps.
Got another question?
For any further questions relating to the post-application process please see our application and enrolment FAQ.
This section contains answers to our most common questions about enrolling on a course once you have made your application. If you require further advice then at the end of this section is a link to our course enquiry form, where you can contact our admissions team directly.
How is my place on my course confirmed?
You will be told how to upload you GCSE results, and any other qualifications you are taking or have already achieved, on Thursday 21st August 2025. Even if you have studied at Colchester Institute before you must still upload evidence of your exam results.
When these are received, the course tutors check them against the published entry criteria and confirm your offer on the most appropriate level of study for you, and ask you to complete your enrolment online.
You must check your email account regularly to make sure you know what to do, we will set a 2pm deadline on Friday August 22nd 2025 to upload evidence of your qualifications. If you miss this deadline there is no guarantee that you will get a place on your course.
What if I don’t achieve the results I need?
Even if you haven’t got the grades you need you must still follow the instructions and upload your results on Thursday 21st August 2025. The course tutors will need to see these in case there is another level of course you can go on. If not you will receive an email with a link to book a slot onto one of our Advice Sessions. These sessions allow you to talk to other course areas, or our careers team, to see if there is something else suitable.
Need further information?
Click on the button below to make an enquiry to our admissions team:
This section contains answers to our most common questions about the start of term and when you will receive timetables. If you require further advice then at the end of this section is a link to our course enquiry form, where you can contact our admissions team directly.
When is the start of term?
Wednesday 3rd September 2025, but start dates are staggered across the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of that week. You will receive your actual start date and first day information shortly after your enrolment – so look out for the information when it comes.
Term Dates for both 2024-25 and 2025-26 can be found here:
In most cases, timetables cannot be confirmed until after enrolment is concluded and students are sorted into groups. Actual timetables are usually shared on the first day of term.
Need further information?
Click on the button below to make an enquiry to our admissions team:
This section contains answers to our most common questions about support available to students. If you require further advice then at the end of this section is a link to our course enquiry form, where you can contact our admissions team directly.
What if I am concerned about bullying?
If you are being bullied, or you see something that concerns you, then it is important that you let us know. We really mean it when we say the College does not tolerate bullying in any form. Students and staff deserve to be treated with dignity and respect and the College has a rigorous Anti-Bullying and Harassment procedure.
If you are being bullied, or are worried about bullying either verbally, physically or online (such as social networks, email or through other mobile devices) it is important you tell your tutor or the Student Welfare Team on (01206) 712263 so that action can be taken.
What if I have a complaint?
Complaints about your course, or something more personal should first be discussed with your personal tutor. If you are still unhappy there is an online complaints form on the College website, and paper copies are available from receptions, support offices, libraries or Student Services.
All complaints, comments and compliments will be sent to The Quality Enhancement Manager, who will ensure that they are resolved or passed on appropriately.
I’m experiencing personal problems and I’m not sure who I can talk to?
The Student Welfare Adviser is available to help with problems you may experience whilst at College. Advice and information can be given on: drug and alcohol misuse, sexual health, mental health, homelessness, counselling, bullying and harassment support, safeguarding and child protection. Signposting and referrals where appropriate can be made to external support agencies.
There is also a counselling service which is free to enable students to cope with their problems in order to continue with their course and achieve their qualifications. To make an appointment just ring (01206) 712295.
How do I contact my tutor or find out more about my course?
During your course induction you will get a course handbook and be introduced to your personal tutor who will be your first point of contact for course related questions. To email a member of staff you use their first name followed by a full stop and then their surname followed by (e.g.
What if I need extra help in the classroom?
If you have a learning difficulty and/or a disability then the Additional Learning Support team may to able to help put support in place. We offer in-class learning support, communicators and note-takers, or in some cases specialist tutors for dyslexia, literacy and numeracy, including one-to-one support.
The team also co-ordinate access arrangements for exams, specialist equipment and learning aids and mobility and personal care support.
We work with the course areas to support students in a discreet way to help students achieve their maximum potential. Please talk to your course tutor or contact the team on (01206) 712839/712073 for more information.
What if I change my mind about the course I’m studying?
The Careers Team provide information, advice and guidance for all your queries on further study and progression to the world of work. They offer one-to-one confidential guidance interviews as well as a daily “drop in” service. So if you need help with choosing a career, progression, apprenticeships or job search contact the team at
Need further information?
Click on the button below to make an enquiry to our admissions team:
This section contains answers to our most common questions about applying for a bursary, help with course costs and other aspects of student finance. If you require further advice then at the end of this section is a link to our course enquiry form, where you can contact our admissions team directly.
What help is available with course related costs?
We recognise that many students have financial worries and our Student Finance Team is on hand to advise you on the different options that might be open to you. Please view our Student Finance and Course Fees pages for more information. If the cost of coming to College is worrying you then please contact the Student Finance Team on (01206) 712078 or pop in and see us in the Student Finance office in Colchester or Student Services in Braintree.
How do I pay for trips, kit or equipment?
The College operates a cashless payment system through our online shop, payments by cheques or cash are not accepted. Your tutor will be able to provide you with the details on how to register and create an account.
Need further information?
Click on the button below to make an enquiry to our admissions team:
This section contains answers to our most common questions about onsite facilities and resources for students. If you require further advice then at the end of this section is a link to our course enquiry form, where you can contact our admissions team directly.
How does the printing system work?
The College uses the Canon print anywhere system which allows students to print securely to any networked printer at any campus using your ID card. The first time you go to print you need to register your ID card. You can top up printing credit online through the College portal, at the College shop or use one of the coin operated top up machines.
Can I use the College Library?
Yes of course, most courses will include a Library induction where the staff will give you friendly, helpful advice to help you make the best use of the library services. But you don’t have to wait until your induction, just pop in and see the team who will be happy to help.
Need further information?
Click on the button below to make an enquiry to our admissions team:
This section contains answers to our most common questions about travel options, help with travel costs and parking onsite. If you require further advice then at the end of this section is a link to our course enquiry form, where you can contact our admissions team directly.
Is there support for travel to College?
The College offers several attractive options to support students travelling to College. Please contact Student Services on (01206) 712078/712446 for more details.
There may be financial assistance towards the cost of travel for families on a low income or where it can be demonstrated that travel costs will cause financial hardship.
Please contact Student Services on 01206 712078 to discuss travel options.
Can I park on site?
There is student parking at both the Colchester and Braintree campuses, however this is limited and there is no guarantee of a space.
Colchester Institute is a cashless campus, our car parks are managed by ANPR barriers and we use app-based technology to pay for Pay and Display parking with Parkonomy. Please go to the Apple App Store or Android Play Store to download the app and add your details prior to parking on campus. To find out more information parking, please click the link below.
Staff – £11.90 per month deducted monthly for 10 months [Sept – June]
CLMG – £24 per month deducted monthly for 10 months [Sept – June]
How do I pay for my Pay and Display Parking?
You can make payment on arrival or in advance when paying online (daily, weekly or monthly). You can pay using the payment kiosk provided on site, downloading the Parkonomy app, or by going to:
Staff Parking – How are monthly deductions taken?
Prior to the new academic year, a staff survey will be sent to capture registration details of vehicles and for you to advise what tariff you will be using. Please ensure that this is filled out accurately and returned as soon as possible. Failure to do so will mean you will not be able to access the campus in the new year without having registered.
Staff parking on campus is now operated on an opt out basis. A survey will be sent each summer for the purpose of updating any registration details. At any point during the year if your details change, or you wish to cancel your permit please get in touch with
There is no charge for any student parking at our Braintree Campus on production of a valid student ID.
Please note: all vehicles are left at the owner’s own risk. The College accepts no liability for loss or damage to vehicles or belongings left on premises.
Can I buy a bus pass on-line?
Bus and Train passes can be purchased on line through the Colchester Institute Online Store. More information can be found in our Travel Information section.
Creating an online account Parents wishing to purchase travel passes will have to create an online store account by following the instructions below (please note that if you have two children studying at Colchester Institute, a separate account must be set up for each student to avoid any confusion):
Before making any purchase from the online store, you will be required to register with the store. To do this you should click on My Account and then click on the link under New Customer
Please enter your email address and provide a password. This is the email address to which all confirmations and receipts will be sent.
Enter your personal details.
Under Your Address, enter your postcode and house number. Then click find address. A list of addresses matching those provided will appear. Click in the circle next to the right address. The address fields will populate with the one chosen. You must give this address a name (e.g. Home / Work).
If the postcode look up cannot find your address, click the link to enter your address details manually
Click Continue to register your account
Forgotten your password? At each login stage, you will see a forgotten password button, where you enter your e-mail address and a reminder of your password is then sent to you, by e-mail, almost immediately
Purchasing a travel pass Once you have created an account: Click on ‘Product Catalogue’ under Navigation Click on ‘Getting Here’ Click on ‘First Bus Passes’ Click on the links under ‘Detailed Description’ if you need confirmation of the cost of your travel pass Enter the cost of the pass in the ‘amount’ box the ‘add to basket’ Fill in the questionnaire Click ‘next’ If details are correct, proceed to checkout Once the transaction is complete, you will receive an email confirming your purchase.
Bus tickets can be collected from the College at the start of term.
If you have any queries regarding travel, please call Student Services on 01206 712078.
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