You will have received an email from the admissions team advising you to complete your enrolment online. Please watch the video below for more guidance on the process, alternatively you can read the step by step guide provided underneath the video.
If you are a returning student looking to enrol onto the next level of course and have landed on this page please click here.
If you still need help please email or call us on 01206 712777 between:
8.30am – 5pm | Monday to Thursday
8.30am – 4.30pm | Friday
Step by step instructions
During this process if you need to return to a previous screen, please use the tabs at the top of the screen named: Personal Details, Further Details, Statements, Data Protection, Confirm. DO NOT press ‘refresh’ or ‘back’ at any point or all of your amends will be lost.
- Please click the link provided in your email, if this does not show as a hyperlink, you will need to copy and paste this into your internet browser.
This will open the login page shown below:
2. Please login to your account:
Returning students: please use your Colchester Institute email address.
New students: Please use the username provided in your enrolment email.
If you have forgotten your password, please click ‘Forgot your password?’ and follow the instructions.
If you do not receive this email please do not create a new account, please call the Admissions team on 01206 712777, who will be happy to help.
To access your college email account use
For instructions on how to set up your Microsoft 365 sign-in for multi-factor authentication please click here:
- Personal Details: please check that the course description at the top of the screen matches the course that you are expecting to enrol on in 2025/26
- Please check and enter all details as required. If your name, address or date of birth are incorrect please continue with the process and then notify the registry team by email at
At the bottom of the page click the continue button.
- Further Details: please enter all details as required. All fields with an asterix are mandatory so you must complete all sections before proceeding.
- Only tick the ‘another learning provider’ box if you started studying with another provider since June.
At the bottom of the page click the continue button.
- Statements: please select which statement applies to you regarding payment of your course fees. Please note that only one statement can be ticked, otherwise you won’t be able to progress to the next page.
Important: if you are aged 16-18 the ‘I am 16-18 years of age’ statement will already be ticked. You must select ‘No’ to the question: ‘Are you expecting this course to be free of charge due to receiving state benefits’ at the bottom of the page.
If you are aged 19 or over:
- Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) (19 – 23 years) – if you have a current EHCP in place please select this statement.
- Fees to be paid by an Employer – if your employer will be paying, you will receive an email with employer authorisation forms. You will need to return your completed form to
- Fee to be paid by student – if you have fees to pay, you will need to visit the online store to make payment Course Fee Payment – Further Education (FE) | Colchester Institute Online Store
- Fees to be paid by instalments – if you are going to pay tuition fees by instalments, you will receive an email with instalment terms and conditions and information on the payment process. You will need to return your completed form to and a deposit will be required. To pay the deposit please visit the online store to make payment Course Fee Payment – Further Education (FE) | Colchester Institute Online Store
- First full level 2 (19-23 years) – is this your first full level 2 qualification? We will check your eligibility and contact you if clarification is required.
- First full level 3 (19-23 years) – is this your first full level 3 qualification? We will check your eligibility and contact you if clarification is required.
- Earn below £25,000 (Annual gross salary) – if you are applying for a fee reduction due to your income, you will be contacted to provide evidence.
- Learner support (Bursary) – you must have applied to our support fund to use this option:
- Benefit waivers – if you are in receipt of a state benefit, we will check your eligibility and contact you if clarification is required.
8. If you are aged 19 or over and believe that you are entitled to a fee reduction please say yes to:
- ‘Are you expecting this course to be free of charge due to receiving state benefits or previous qualification levels’. You will be directed to a declaration page, where you will be required to tick either:
- Declaration Entitlement to Fee Reduction for First Full Level 2 / First Full Level 3 (19-23 years only) or
- Declaration to confirm Employment Income and/or Qualifying Benefit Status (only available on courses up to and including Level 2 and some courses that are part of the Level 3 free course for job offer)
- ‘Are you expecting this course to be free of charge due to receiving state benefits or previous qualification levels’. You will be directed to a declaration page, where you will be required to tick either:
- Data Protection: please take the time to read the Privacy Notice, Personal Learning Record Privacy Notice and Student Declaration.
- Please read the consents at the bottom of the page and select any that you are happy to agree to. An asterix will determine which consents are mandatory.
- Confirm Enrolment: Please check all the information is correct before clicking confirm at the bottom of the page. You can use the tabs at the top of the screen to correct any information and once you are happy click continue to take you back to the confirm enrolment page.
Please note that there are specific criteria relating to fee reductions and you may be contacted to provide further evidence to support this. If the evidence does not comply with fee waiver conditions, the fee will become payable, and an invoice will be sent.
- Your enrolment process is now complete. You will be sent an email confirming that you have completed this process and are successfully registered on your next year of study.
Please note, if you click the link but do not fully complete above process, you will need to go back in via the link in your email to resume your enrolment.
Once you click the link again you will see a screen which states that you are already enrolled on this course (see example below).
Please click on the homepage link ( within the section named ‘Reason’.
This will take you to the homepage where you will see the following section near the bottom of the page. Please click on the Resume enrolment link in the ‘Next Steps’ section to continue and confirm your enrolment.