Governance of Colchester Institute
This governance page helps to communicate information and background about the way in which the College is governed and about how the Board of Governors support the everyday activities of Colchester Institute. We are a mixed economy college of Further and Higher Education, established by the Further and Higher Education Act 1992. The statutory Instrument and Articles of Government sets down the membership, the powers and the responsibilities of the Board of Governors. Much of the further education work of the College is funded through the Education and Skills Funding Agency and the College is required to abide by the Financial Memorandum and the Audit Code of Practice. The Governing Body has responsibility for key areas of the College and for monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of College policies in a number of areas including:- Health and Safety
- Equal Opportunities
- The Disability Discrimination Act
- Freedom of Information Act
- Safeguarding
Please click the image or link below to view our Strategic Plan 2024 – 2028.
External Review of Governance
For more information, please see the following documents:
Policy on access to information not contained in the Publication Scheme
From 1 January 2005, in addition to accessing standard information via the Publication Scheme, a person may make a request for specific information which has not already been made available in the Publication Scheme. This must be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Requests for information
Requests for information :-
- Must be made in writing (including e-mail)
- Must include the name and address of the applicant
- Must attempt to describe the information requested
- Can state a preference for the form in which the information is to be received, such as, in written form, by inspection on the premises, in the form of a digest or summary.
Dealing with requests
All requests received should be sent to the Director of Human Resources who will ensure that the information is provided in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act as follows:-
- Respond to the request within 20 working days
- Provide the information in the form requested, where reasonably practicable
- Advise the applicant if we do not have the information requested or if the information falls within the exempt categories.
- Ask for further information, if necessary in order to identify the information asked for.
- Assist the requester and provide advice as necessary.
Fee policy
Requesters will be charged a fee, to cover the costs associated with supplying the information.
On receipt of the application for information, a fees notice will be issued detailing the amount payable. Information will not be supplied until the fee is received.
Record keeping
Good record management procedures are necessary to respond to requests for information in compliance with the FOI Act. The college procedures will therefore be reviewed and revised and managers will be expected to adhere to these.
These will include separate procedures on Electronic Records management including E-mail.
The following is a general guide to good record management:-
- Bear in mind the possibility of future public access to all files. Avoid comments which could be misunderstood or cause embarrassment on general release.
- Documents should be drafted in such a way that exempt information eg. personal data can be edited out before release.
Only keep the information that is really needed. Review files and eliminate superseded drafts. - Adhere to legally defined retention periods.
- Ensure confidential information is disposed of appropriately (shredded in the case of paper)
Applicants dissatisfied with the college’s response to a request for information may raise the complaint through the college Compliments and Complaints procedure. If he/she is still dissatisfied with the college’s response having exhausted the internal procedure, he/she has the right to complain to the Information Commissioner.
Further Governance Information
Non-confidential Minutes are published after they have been approved at the next meeting of the Board/Committee, and will remain on the website for two years from the date of the meeting. Minutes are normally added to the website at the end of the term in which they were approved. For copies of non-confidential minutes from earlier years please contact the Head of Governance at: