Employer Information Webinars and Events

Upcoming employer events will be listed here and available to book online, as and when they are confirmed.

Fields marked with an * are required

As part of our services to business we run a series of information webinars and events for employers throughout the year.

In order to book onto any of the events detailed below, please follow the simple booking process.

Select the event(s) from the list below that you wish to attend. *
Fields marked with an * are required

As part of our services to business we run a series of events for employers throughout the year.

We are excited to invite you to our next event at Colchester Institute to provide guidance on professional apprenticeships, as well as an update to government changes around the Skills Levy, functional skills requirements and the defunding of Level 7 apprenticeships.

Book your place now!

Select the event(s) from the list below that you wish to attend. *