Exam Results and Certificates

BTEC results - March 2024

BTEC January Exams Results Day – Thursday 21st March 2024

Students can view their exam results on the Learner Hub by clicking here. You will need to log in using your college email address and password.

On here, students can view their overall exam result, and UMS Points achieved in each exam. It will look like this:

BTEC January 2024 Results

If you’re viewing results on your phone, you may need to scroll across the page to view the UMS points. Do this by turning your phone onto the side so you’re viewing it in landscape mode or by pressing the red arrows at the bottom of the page:

Students can also review results via the CI Connect App if they have this, however, they cannot view their UMS points here. Results will be visible by 9am on Thursday 21st March.

There is an opportunity to re-sit these exams in the summer. If you receive a Fail or if you didn’t sit one of the papers then you will be automatically entered for a re-sit and you won’t need to take any action.

If you achieved a Near Pass, Pass or Merit and want to improve your grade, you MUST pay for the BTEC re-sit via our Online Store here. The deadline for payments is the end of the day (midnight) on Tuesday 26th March. If you are in receipt of a college bursary and would like to improve your grade, you will need to pay for the re-sit yourself by Tuesday 26th March as, unfortunately, the college bursary does not cover re-sit fees.

Post Result Services

If you believe that there are any clerical errors with the scores/marks you have received, you can pay for one of the ‘Post Results’ services detailed below on the Online Store, providing this is before the deadline for that service (Friday 5th April).

For more information, please refer to the ‘Post Results Service Information’ tab.

GCSE results - August 2024

Learners studying GCSEs and other level 2 qualification, such as BTECs, will receive their results on Thursday 22nd August 2024.

The provisional results day for most level 3 programmes will be Thursday 15th August 2024.

All results will be available to view on the CI Connect App so it is worth downloading this now in preparation for results day. https://www.colchester.ac.uk/ci-connect/

Students will also be able to view their provisional results by logging into their Colchester Institute account online on the Learner Hub here: https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/XURDCoV92SXP9wWUzonmB?domain=apply.colchester.ac.uk

We recommend downloading the CI Connect App, or logging into your account using the link above in advance to avoid any problems on results day. If you are unable to log in, please contact iltservicedesk@colchester.ac.uk who can help you. We are anticipating that phone lines will be extremely busy on results days so it’s best to check that you can log in now and contact us in advance if you have any problems.

Please do not attend campus on results days, unfortunately we are not able to provide results in person.

Please choose your qualification from the drop-downs on the ‘Receiving your exam results’ tab for additional information regarding results, and certificates.

If you don’t see your awarding body listed here, don’t worry – details with regards to all other awarding bodies/qualifications will follow shortly. Please visit this page regularly for new and updated information.

Please contact iltservicedesk@colchester.ac.uk if you are having problems accessing your Colchester Institute account or have forgotten your password.

If you have any other questions, please contact the Exams Team on: examsofficecolchester@colchester.ac.uk