What our Students Say

EmilyLevel 3 Plumbing ApprenticeshipI've always been more of a practical person and here it's
different everyday. it suits me better than being in an office
environment. The experience helps you get straight into
a job and sets you apart from the rest.
Emily King
JordanLevel 3 electrical InstallationsElectrical Installations is a very good trade to work in and
you can enter it at any age. The theory and practical sides
are interesting. The lecturers are friendly, supportive and
share their knowledge to give you the best advice.
Jordan Jago
SamLevel 2 Electrical InstallationsI've always known that I wanted to become an electrician and
the Braintree Campus was so close to me. The practical
lessons we do here are good and we have access to great
tools and materials. I hope to work full-time as an electrician.
Sam Everitt