STEPS 2 – Supported Studies

The Steps 2 study programme is for students who aspire to increase their independence but wish to continue their education in a highly supportive environment. Programmes aim to equip students with the skills, experience and confidence required in order to reach their own goals for learning, life and work.

Delivery is through a student-centred approach involving a wide range of activities. This includes a high volume of practical based sessions, learning in the community and small group work. Students work towards completion of an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) which requires students to work towards achievement of challenging, achievable goals in order to fulfil their potential.

There is access to a wide range of resources and facilities provides exciting opportunities for learners to develop their skills in an active environment. Resources include kitchens, sensory spaces and facilities to support the development of horticultural skills.

Course Info
How to make an Application
Course Aims

The Steps 2 programme aims are achieved by:

  • development of personal, social and communication skills
  • supporting students to achieve increased levels of social and academic confidence
  • development of employability skills through sheltered/supported work experience and/or enterprise projects
  • adapting curriculum activities to suit the interests and needs of students
  • integrating a wide range of enrichment activities into the main curriculum
  • English and maths (as appropriate to individual needs of students)
Course Content

Students will have the opportunity to follow a personalised learning programme.

Key components of the Steps 2 study programme include:

Curriculum Theme Course content  
Subject specific/vocational skills Community
Personal Growth
  • Personal, social and communication skills
  • Basic Kitchen Skills
  • Skills for Independence
  • Keeping Healthy and Safe
  • Digital Skills
  • Community Engagement
  • Enterprise Activities and Fundraising
  • Exploring the World of Work
  • Enrichment
  • English and Maths*

*Leaning aims for English and maths will be determined by students’ prior attainment and initial assessment.

Pathways include: GCSE (for those who have already achieved a Grade 2 or above); Functional Skills (Entry Level 3 and Level 1); Themed Awards in English and maths (Entry Level 1 – Entry Level 3).  Where appropriate, non-accredited English and maths learning is considered for students who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

Entry Requirements

Whilst there are no formal entry requirements for this programme, previous Education records and experience should indicate students can thrive socially and emotionally in a large, complex education setting.  Course offer is subject to a successful in-person interview and initial assessment. In addition, students need to show a commitment and willingness to work towards agreed goals, and participate in all of the course activities.

Career Opportunities

Part-time supported, sheltered or mainstream employment.

Course Progression

Following completion of the STEPS 2: Supportive Studies programme it may be possible for students’ to continue their learning at STEPS 2 for a second year or progress on to another STEPS programme.

How to make an Application – Watch our video guide!

****Applications for courses starting in September 2025 are now open!****

The application window for full-time courses and joint apprenticeship applications starting in September 2025 opens on Tuesday 1st October at 12pm.

Please see the information below, which provides details on things to be aware of before making an application, and what happens after you apply. We have also prepared a step-by-step video guide on how to make an application below – please view this video which will guide you through the application process.

Application Dos and Don'ts

Before submitting your online application, make sure you have got an email address which you will check frequently and which is professional and appropriate for this purpose, and use this when you create your account. Submit the application as early as possible and remember to make a note of your USERNAME and PASSWORD details! You will need these later.

Application Tips

If you have chosen the study programme you would like to apply for then you are almost there. We recommend that you read our handy application tips, watch our video and then make your application.

You can only apply for one full-time programme and one apprenticeship. You can do this together within the same application form, in what is known as a joint application.

Remember, you cannot study more than one core subject.  For example, you would not be able to study two full-time programmes in different subjects simultaneously. You would take Plumbing or Music, not Plumbing and Music.

Your subject will be your primary qualification and forms the bulk of your programme of study.

Application Dos

  • Apply as early as possible. We start accepting applications from 1st October 2024 and have set an initial deadline of 31st January 2025 for a priority application on your chosen programme (subject to you satisfying the entry requirements), although we still accept applications after this date but may not be able to guarantee you a place on your chosen programme.
  • Think carefully about your course choice before you apply. Talk to your head of year or careers adviser at school to make sure you have explored all your options and have found a course that suits you best. You may wish to attend one of our open days to find out more before applying.
  • Make sure you attend any interviews or assessments we invite you to. These are a mandatory part of our process. They give you the opportunity to find out more about our courses, as well as allowing us to make sure you are on the most appropriate course for you. Some courses may invite you to attend a second interview or audition to demonstrate your skills and to ensure you are on the most appropriate level for you.
  • Please let us know if your contact details or address change. We will use a variety of letters, emails and texts to communicate with you throughout the process, and the information we provide is both confidential and vital to your application. If you move home or change your phone number and don’t inform us of any changes, you could miss some vital information.

Application Don’ts

  • Do not make multiple applications. If you are unsure, for example, of which construction/trade subject you would like to study, please only make an application for one of them. Likewise, if you later wish you had applied for a different course, please don’t worry – we can change your application. Whatever the reason for wanting to change, there is no need to make another application.
  • Do not use a school email address when you create your account. Remember, you will need to access this account later in the summer after you have left school.
  • Do not create another account if you have previously applied. If you have applied in previous years, please do not create a new account. If you are unsure, contact us to check which username and password to use.

Just call us on 01206 712777

What Happens After I Apply?

What happens after I apply?

Once your application has been submitted our admissions team will complete some data checks

Once you have submitted your application form, a member of the Admissions team will check all of your details and your predicted (or actual) grades, including checking that you meet the published entry criteria for your chosen subject. They might email you to ask for more information.

Once your application has been checked, for most programmes you will receive an email asking you to log in to your account and book your interview. The interview is to determine that you have applied for the most suitable programme of study.

Make sure you check your emails regularly or you may miss your interview slot.

If you have applied for Music or Performing Arts we will email you with a date and time for an audition.

All communications will be sent by email, so please check them regularly or you may miss your opportunity to come in for your interview.

Interviews could be in person or they could be on the phone. This will be confirmed in the email, so please check your emails regularly so that you don’t miss important information about your interview.

When do interviews start?

Interviews for those who we have received an application from will start to take place after our Autumn Open Events. The earlier in the academic year an application is made, the earlier an interview can take place.

What happens at my interview?

If you have a telephone interview, you will be asked to book a pre-arranged timeslot and you will need to be ready to answer your phones between the times stated. The call will come from either an 01206 number or it might show as withheld or unknown.

If you have an in-person interview, you will be asked to book a pre-arranged timeslot to come to the college. You will arrive, sign in at the Main Reception and wait for the teaching staff there.

The interview is designed to let out teaching staff find out about you and your interest in the course. To prepare you might want to think about what you enjoy doing, why you have applied for this course, what subjects you expect to do well in (if you are still at school/college) and how you will manage your revision in readiness for any exams.

How will I know if have been offered a place?

Once you have had your interview / audition we will email you to let you know if you have an offer. Offers will be subject to you meeting the published entry requirements of the chosen programme, once GCSE results have been published and provided to the College.

If you are not offered a place on your chosen programme, we will do our best to support you in finding an appropriate alternative.

Your offer

After your interview you will be sent an email to confirm whether you have been offered a place. Please remember to keep checking your email account so that you don’t miss this as it will include important information on your next steps.

Got another question?

For any further questions relating to the post-application process please see our application and enrolment FAQ.

Watch Our Video Guide
STEPS 2 – Supported Studies
LevelEntry Level
DurationOne Year
Study ModeFull-Time
Campus / Adult Skills CentreColchester Campus
Start DateSeptember 2025
Attendance14 hours per week spread over 3 days
Fee(s)16-18 year olds: Free
19+: Variable


All fees, prices and funding information shown on this page are for courses starting in the 2024-25 academic year unless stated otherwise, and are correct at the time of entering/printing information, however these may be subject to change due to factors outside of our control. The College cannot accept legal or financial liability as a result of any such changes.

Courses fees are generally not confirmed for September until June / July due to the above factors.

The course information describes programmes offered by Colchester Institute. The College takes all reasonable steps to provide courses as described, but cannot guarantee provision. The information is for guidance and does not form any part of a contract.

The College reserves the right to update and amend information as and when necessary. Colchester Institute will do its best to provide the courses shown, but may have to modify or withdraw a course depending on customer demand and other factors.