Health and Social Care Level 3

The Health and Social Care Level 3 study programme is the equivalent of three A levels and is designed to meet the changing circumstances within the health and social care sectors. During the Health and Social Care programme, you will acquire transferable knowledge and skills whilst gaining over 300 hours per year of vocational experience in a variety of work-based settings. This programme offers an education in health and social care that can be utilised as a stepping stone for progression to undergraduate studies relating to a range of careers in this sector or towards employment.

Course Info
Do I have to pay a fee?
How to make an Application
Other courses in this area
Course Content

The Health and Social Care BTEC Extended Diploma programme contains a mix of modules that incorporate a range of topics giving students broad learning of the area. Topics may include:

  • Equality, Diversity and Rights
  • Developing Effective Communication
  • Development Through Life Stages
  • Psychological and Sociological Perspectives
  • Anatomy and Physiology

As part of your main study programme you will also engage in activities to develop your English, maths and employability skills.

ESNEFT Career Start Programme

Working in partnership with employers, including hospitals and care organisations, our fantastic new Centre for Health and Social Care Professions is providing a range of training and qualifications to meet the demand for new recruits within the health and care sectors.

Courses are designed to address local skills shortages and are delivered by highly-qualified tutors with a diverse range of professional healthcare experiences.

Located on the fourth floor of our South Wing building, the Centre for Health and Social Care Professions encompasses 2,000 square metres of innovative teaching facilities.

The centre incorporates interactive learning technology to provide skills laboratories in realistic working environments, and well-equipped classrooms to ensure students are prepared for higher education (university) or employment.

Learning resources in the centre include:

  • Dedicated skills rooms for role-play and recorded assessments, a dental surgery and decontamination room
  • An interactive facility where bespoke environments can be created to develop interpersonal and problem-solving skills around a realistic backdrop
  • Rooms for collaborative learning, as well as meeting and conference rooms to support apprenticeship assessments

In 2021 the East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) partnered with our own Centre for Health and Social Care Professions here at Colchester Institute, with a whole new floor dedicated to provide exclusive training to our learners, so they can be career ready at the end of their time with us. ESNEFT is one of the biggest NHS Trusts in East Anglia and provides hospital and community services throughout Suffolk and North Essex.

Work in Health and Social Care

Nurturing a future-ready workforce with skills development alongside qualifications

In the field of health and social care, skills development and qualifications are crucial for professionals to deliver high-quality care and support to individuals in need, this is why all of our students complete mandatory placements
as part of their study and follow our newly developed P3 programme.

The P3 Programme

Focusing on Preparation, Placement and Progression (P³), all students will develop the skills and professional behaviours expected to be seen in the workplace which will be delivered through a variety of workshops and online learning. This will offer students an assessed competency prior to embarking on a placement through a variety of workshops, online learning and the Care Certificate.

All Health and Social Care students must complete this mandatory training prior to starting on their placements which includes:

  • Clinical and health skills development
  • Up to 72 hours of additional teaching with clinical experts throughout the year
  • Roleplays and reflective exercises
  • Communication and study skills

Further progression activities support learners throughout the academic year ready for their next steps, such as:

  • UCAS support
  • Interview and employment-ready workshops
  • Academic literacy development
  • Resilience and wellbeing activities

Those studying under the Centre are referred to as ‘Professionals in Training’ and will follow the NHS 6Cs philosophy; care, courage, commitment, compassion, competence and communication. These behaviours are monitored and rewarded throughout the course.

Students will be expected to work in a variety of settings to develop different skills, and the College has placements in over 150 workplaces.

ESNEFT Career Start Programme

The aim of our Career Start Programme is to develop the key employability skills and qualities in our students, so that we can prepare them for a career within the sector by the time they leave us to progress on their career path.

Those who are successful in accessing the programme will have demonstrated a positive attitude to the NHS 6Cs approach and towards their own development. They will be offered a student placement, a training package within a hospital environment and a guaranteed interview for a ‘real’ job in the NHS.

These students will be given:

  • Clinical work placement at Colchester or Ipswich Hospital
  • An allocated supervisor
  • Compulsory NHS induction training
  • An NHS mentor to support them throughout the programme
  • Online training modules
  • Masterclasses at the Iceni Centre, at Colchester General Hospital
  • Interactive training sessions

By completing the mandatory skills training, our students will be able to access more substantial student placements which are more practical in nature and will be guaranteed a job interview on successful completion of the Career Start Programme.

ESNEFT Career Start Programme

Who is eligible to benefit from this opportunity?

This programme will be open to existing students on Level 2 and Level 3 Health and Social Care programmes, Level 3 Applied Science and our Access to Higher Education Diploma in Health Professions.

There are limited spaces available on this programme, students will be selected by achievement and their commitment and dedication to their studies. These will be our shining stars who choose a vocation (pathway) within the NHS.

Students must be, at least, 17 and a half by the time they finish this programme and ready to start work, which could be full-time, part-time or even fitted around a higher education course of study. For paediatric areas, students must be 18 before they start their placements.

Why should you apply for this programme?

  • You’ll have access to NHS apprenticeships
  • You’ll gain lived experience in Health and Social Care settings first-hand
  • Your job application is prioritised above non-Career Start Programme applicants
  • You will develop your care values according to the NHS 6Cs approach early, which are essential for any relevant role

How do you apply?

Your tutors and our partners at ESNEFT will talk to you about this opportunity in your first term at college.

The facilities in the Health and Social Care department are excellent, we get good access to lots of practical sessions in actual healthcare settings. The experiences we get from the work placement are also excellent, we wouldn’t get the same placement opportunities at any other college. I started at Colchester Institute studying Level 2 Health and Social Care and I’m now an employee of ESNEFT after finishing the Career Start programme. The programme provided access to additional training, where I learnt specific skills to ensure I progressed directly into a career in the NHS.
Entry Requirements

5 GCSEs (9-4) including English and Maths, or satisfactory results (Merit/Distinction) in a relevant Level 2 qualification and an interview. A Satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS*) check

*Please note there is a charge of approximately £50 for a DBS check.

Career Opportunities

On successful completion of the course you could enter employment in the healthcare industry or with further study you may want to look at a career in social work, nursing, midwifery, occupational therapy or teaching. On successful completion of the course you could progress to higher education or health and social care related professional training courses. For example; nursing, teaching, social work and occupational therapy.

To explore varied and exciting careers in healthcare and social care sectors, look on the NHS Careers website

Fees and Finance

Students’ college education is funded for three academic years after leaving secondary school in year 11. Please click the button below which will apply to your age on the 31st August 2024 in order to find out more information about fees and finance relating to your course.

16-18 - Do I have to pay a fee?

All students aged 16-18 on the first day of their course will have their course fully-funded by the government.

Costs of studying

If you are/will be aged 16, 17 or 18 on the 31st August in the calendar year when you begin a programme of study, you DO NOT pay tuition fees, College registration fees or examination/board registration fees. However, there are some courses which have additional costs which could include:

  • Equipment costs – such as uniforms, kits, books and so on
  • Trips and enrichment activities
  • DBS checks (formerly CRB checks)
  • Occupational Health Screening

You will be informed of any additional costs associated with your chosen programme as early as possible to allow time for payment to be made.

Applicants thinking of enrolling on this course can apply for funding to help with the costs associated with attending college.  Bursary awards can help with your course related costs such as travel, books and equipment and much more.

The bursary fund cannot provide help with costs unrelated to your course, such as general living expenses, nor can it be used as an attendance incentive.

Applications to the fund are not normally considered if the household income exceeds £30,000 but may be considered in some instances if the household is experiencing severe financial hardship.

The 16-19 Bursary Fund is aimed at helping:
Students who are aged 16, 17 or 18 on the 31st August 2024
Students aged 19 who started a two-year programme before their 19th birthday
Students aged 19 or over on 31st August 2024 who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

When can I apply?

*Applications for student funding for learners starting in September 2024 are now open. Applications can be made from this page using the button below.

For courses starting in September 2024, applications should be made by 1st November 2024. If you find yourself in financial hardship after this date it is important that you still contact Student Services. Applications received after 1st November will be considered on a pro-rata basis subject to need and the availability of funds.

You are advised to read the notes and policies at the beginning of the form and ensure that you provide all the evidence that is required when submitting your application.

Full details of the bursary funds, including making an application, can be found here:

I will be over 19 on the 31st August 2024

19+ - Do I have to pay a fee?

The information in this section applies solely to this course and the criteria for a fee waiver is not transferable to any other course offered by the College.

You will not pay tuition fees if you are:
under 19 on the 31st August 2024.
aged 19-24 on the 31st August 2024 and have an active Education, Health and Care Plan.
aged 19+ and employed, or self-employed and your annual gross income is below £25,000.
aged 19+, unemployed and not on benefits or in receipt of benefits with an income less than £892 a month or £1,437 a month with a joint benefit claim.
aged 19 – 23 and have not already achieved a full Level 3 qualification* (In some cases, if you need to first enrol on a lower level course, before progressing to a Level 3, this may also be fully funded by the government).

* This means that you have not previously attained a full Level 3 or equivalent (2 A Levels or 4 AS Levels, or QAA Access to Higher Education (HE) Diploma at Level 3, or a Level 3 Tech level or applied general qualification (e.g. BTEC)).

You will pay tuition fees if you are:
are aged 19-23 at the start of the course and have previously achieved a level 3 qualification or you are 19+, employed, or self-employed and your annual gross income is over £25,000.
aged 24+ at the start of the course.
Learners required to pay tuition fees can either self-fund (whereby you or your employer pays for the course) or apply for an Advanced Learner Loan to cover all, or part, of the tuition fees for this course.   The minimum loan you can get is £300, but the maximum will depend on how much the fees are and the type of course you take.
Other Additional Costs

Regardless of whether tuition fees apply, some of our programmes incur additional costs which could include:

  • Equipment costs – such as uniforms, kits, books and so on
  • Trips and enrichment activities
  • DBS checks (formerly CRB checks)
  • Occupational Health Screening

You will be informed of any additional costs associated with your chosen programme as early as possible to allow time for payment to be made.

Advanced Learner Loans

Am I eligible for an Advanced Learner Loan?

To qualify for an advanced learner loan to cover the fees for this course you must be:

  • 19 years old or over on the first day of your course (there’s no upper age limit)
  • A UK national or have ‘settled status’ (this means there are no restrictions on how long you can stay)
  • Living in the UK on the first day of your course, and have lived in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for three years immediately before this

Most learners that fall into this bracket will be eligible, it doesn’t depend on your household income and there’s no credit check!

If your nationality or residency status is different to the above, then please contact the national Advanced Learner Loan helpline on 0300 100 0619 or check the Advanced Learner Loan website where you will be able to find further information on eligibility.

How do I apply for an Advanced Learner Loan?

Once you have applied and been offered a place on the course, the college will provide you with a ‘learning and funding information letter’. These are normally sent out in early July.

You need this to complete the loan application and you cannot apply for a loan until you have received this.

Once you have applied for a loan and it has been approved you will receive an official letter from Student Finance England.

Am I eligible for a bursary?

Applicants thinking of enrolling on this course can apply for funding to help with the costs associated with attending college.  Bursary funds are targeted at students where there is an identified low household income.

The bursary fund cannot provide help with costs unrelated to your course, such as general living expenses, nor can it be used as an attendance incentive.

Applications to the fund are not normally considered if the household income exceeds £25,000 but may be considered in some instances if the household is experiencing severe financial hardship.

The 16-19 Bursary Fund is aimed at helping:
Students who are aged 16, 17 or 18 on the 31st August 2024
Students aged 19 who started a two-year programme before their 19th birthday
Students aged 19 or over on 31st August 2024 who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)

If you do not meet the above criteria then you are likely to be eligible for support through either the:
19+ Bursary Fund 
Advanced Learner Loan Bursary Fund (for students paying Level 3 tuition fees for with an advanced learner loan)*

*Awards from the Advanced Learner Loans Bursary Fund can only be made to students who have received an Advanced Learner Loan. If you do not intend to apply for an advanced learner loan or if your application has been unsuccessful you will not be eligible for an award from this particular fund.

Funds are targeted at course related costs such as travel, childcare, books and equipment.

Regardless of income or employment status, students self-funding (including where an employer is covering course fees), are not eligible for financial assistance through any discretionary bursary funds.

When can I apply?

*Applications for student funding for learners starting in September 2024 are now open. Applications can be made from this page using the button below.

For courses starting in September 2024, applications should be made by 1st November 2024. If you find yourself in financial hardship after this date it is important that you still contact Student Services. Applications received after 1st November will be considered on a pro-rata basis subject to need and the availability of funds.

Payment Options

Payment should be made in full at the time of enrolment. Acceptable payment methods include Debit Card and Credit Card (excluding American Express). Please note that we are no longer able to accept cash or cheque payments.

Can I pay in instalments?

Yes, you can spread the cost of fees. Any student of the College who pays his/her own programme costs is entitled to do so on a monthly payment plan basis, providing the total course fees exceed £200 and the student is aged 19 years, or over, on 31st August in the current academic year.

Where total course fees exceed £200 you (or your employer, if they are paying your course fees) can choose to pay your fees in instalments through a monthly payment plan and 40% of the fee or £500 (whichever is lower) will be payable at enrolment.

The balance must be paid within 6 months or by the end date if the course is less than 6 months in duration.

The monthly instalment payments will also be set up at the point of enrolment, or if you are enrolling using our online enrolment process, a member of our Finance team will contact you to set up the instalment plan after you have submitted your online enrolment.

In order to pay through monthly instalments, students must sign the Colchester Institute Instalment Payment Plan terms and conditions!

If a student fails to sign up to an instalment plan at enrolment all fees will become due for payment within 30 days.

Failure to fulfil any terms and conditions of an instalment agreement will result in you becoming immediately liable for the full outstanding balance and you may not be entitled to pay any future fees by instalments.

Please download and save the form below, then fill it in and sign it. These forms can either be emailed to prior to enrolment, or if you are completing an online enrolment you can upload these documents during the enrolment process.

Further Education Fee Instalment Student Terms and Conditions

Employers who are funding a student’s fees must complete and sign an authorisation form which must be submitted either prior to or at enrolment together with an advance payment of 40% of the course fee or £500, whichever is lower. This can be paid via the online store prior to or at the point of Enrolment.

If the advance payment is not made prior to or at Enrolment the student will not be eligible to attend college.

Further Education Employer Authorisation Form, Instalment Plan, Terms and Conditions

How to make an Application – Watch our video guide!

***Application for courses starting in September 2024 have now closed.***

The application window for full-time courses and joint apprenticeship applications starting in September 2025 opens on Tuesday 1st October at 12pm.

Health and Social Care Level 3
LevelLevel 3
DurationTwo years: Year 1: Foundation Diploma | Year 2: Extended Diploma
Study ModeFull-Time
Campus / Adult Skills CentreColchester Campus
Start DateSeptember 2025
Fee(s)16-18 year olds: Free
19+: £7,395 (This fee covers the full two-year course)


All fees, prices and funding information shown on this page are for courses starting in the 2024-25 academic year unless stated otherwise, and are correct at the time of entering/printing information, however these may be subject to change due to factors outside of our control. The College cannot accept legal or financial liability as a result of any such changes.

Courses fees are generally not confirmed for September until June / July due to the above factors.

The course information describes programmes offered by Colchester Institute. The College takes all reasonable steps to provide courses as described, but cannot guarantee provision. The information is for guidance and does not form any part of a contract.

The College reserves the right to update and amend information as and when necessary. Colchester Institute will do its best to provide the courses shown, but may have to modify or withdraw a course depending on customer demand and other factors.