Where can I find my Accounts Office Reference Number? You’ll be able to find your Accounts Office Reference number will be shown on the letter you received from HMRC when you first registered an an employer. It is also on a vast majority of the correspondence received from HMRC.
The Accounts Office Reference Number is the reference used by an Employer when making payments to HMRC and is often mistaken for the Employer Reference Number (ERN). This is a common misunderstanding as the numbers are similar and often appear together on relevant documents such as the P45, P60, P11/D and on payslips.
- Once logged in you will need to set your Training Provider Permissions, this will be the only action required at this stage until you have recruited your apprentice.

Please also remember to set the provider permissions for Colchester Institute to advertise on your behalf, this will say: Create and Publish Job Adverts.
If you require support with this, please don’t hesitate to contact our Employer Engagement Team on 01206 712043 or email