EmilyLevel 3 Plumbing ApprenticeshipI've always been more of a practical person and here it's
different everyday. it suits me better than being in an office
environment. The experience helps you get straight into
a job and sets you apart from the rest.
Emily King
OliverLevel 2 Commis Chef ApprenticeshipI enjoy learning on the job whilst getting paid. I wanted to
learn within the industry and get practical experience. I would
recommend an apprenticeship to anyone who wants to get
work experience and have support from tutors.
Oliver Skinner
DanielleLevel 6 Chartered Management Degree ApprenticeshipI really like the small class sizes and I enjoy the freedom of
studying on campus, or at home. The apprenticeship fits in
well around my full-time job and day to day life, and enables
me to continue my professional development whilst learning.
Danielle Northcott
AshleighLevel 3 Dental Nurse ApprenticeshipI really like the new learning facilities, its a nice environment
to learn in and the tutors are very helpful and enthusiastic.
Studying the dental apprenticeship has turned out to be
one of the best decisions I've ever made.
Ashley Jackson-Laurence
EthanLevel 1 Carpentry and Joinery ApprenticeshipI already worked for Rose Builders and was able to start
an apprenticeship with them. I like being paid to work
and study at the same time. I'm learning all of the skills
and knowledge I need to work in the industry.
Ethan Harrington
OliviaLevel 3 Marketing ApprenticeshipI've enjoyed learning on the job and putting those skills into
practice, all whilst being paid. If you are wanting to gain
first-hand experience in your chosen industry, I would really
encourage taking the apprenticeship route.
Olivia Turton