Application Questions

How do I apply?

All applications must be made through our online application system.

You will need to create an account that you can then log back into to track your application.

Information on creating an account and making an application.

What do I do if I can’t remember my log in details to access my account?

  • Check that you have used the correct Username (This was sent by email when you first created your account)
  • Check that you are entering the correct password.
  • Check you are spelling the username and password correctly.
  • Remember these fields are case sensitive.

If you are still having trouble and are unable to access your account we are able to provide further help and support options via the link below:

Use this link to reset password

Is there a closing date for applications?

We encourage you to apply as soon as possible. For full-time further education programmes our initial deadline for receiving applications is 31st January 2025 for a guaranteed place on your chosen programme (subject to you satisfying the entry requirements).

What happens after I apply?

Once your application has been submitted our admissions team will complete some data checks

Once you have submitted your application form, a member of the Admissions team will check all of your details and your predicted (or actual) grades, including checking that you meet the published entry criteria for your chosen subject. They might email you to ask for more information.

Once your application has been checked, for most programmes you will receive an email asking you to log in to your account and book your interview. The interview is to determine that you have applied for the most suitable programme of study.

Make sure you check your emails regularly or you may miss your interview slot.

If you have applied for Music or Performing Arts we will email you with a date and time for an audition.

All communications will be sent by email, so please check them regularly or you may miss your opportunity to come in for your interview.

Interviews could be in person or they could be on the phone. This will be confirmed in the email, so please check your emails regularly so that you don’t miss important information about your interview.

When do interviews start?

Interviews for those who we have received an application from will start to take place after our Autumn Open Events. The earlier in the academic year an application is made, the earlier an interview can take place.

What happens at my interview?

If you have a telephone interview, you will be asked to book a pre-arranged timeslot and you will need to be ready to answer your phones between the times stated. The call will come from either an 01206 number or it might show as withheld or unknown.

If you have an in-person interview, you will be asked to book a pre-arranged timeslot to come to the college. You will arrive, sign in at the Main Reception and wait for the teaching staff there.

The interview is designed to let out teaching staff find out about you and your interest in the course. To prepare you might want to think about what you enjoy doing, why you have applied for this course, what subjects you expect to do well in (if you are still at school/college) and how you will manage your revision in readiness for any exams.

How will I know if have been offered a place?

Once you have had your interview / audition we will email you to let you know if you have an offer. Offers will be subject to you meeting the published entry requirements of the chosen programme, once GCSE results have been published and provided to the College.

If you are not offered a place on your chosen programme, we will do our best to support you in finding an appropriate alternative.

Your offer

After your interview you will be sent an email to confirm whether you have been offered a place. Please remember to keep checking your email account so that you don’t miss this as it will include important information on your next steps.

Got another question?

For any further questions relating to the post-application process please see our application and enrolment FAQ.

How do I apply for an apprenticeship?

If you would also like to be considered for an apprenticeship you must tick the appropriate box on your application.

As you need to have an employer to undertake an apprenticeship we will prioritise your full-time application until you have confirmed that you have an employment contract in place.

Our apprenticeship team will then contact you to discuss this further and provide you with further information to secure your apprenticeship.

How can I get additional support?

If you have a disability or learning difficulty, you must tell us this on your application.  Our support team will contact you for further information and to assess your needs.

If you are not sure about what of the support is available please speak to our Additional Learning Support team on 01206 712073 or by emailing:

Our Additional Learning Support teams are also available at all of our open events.

Will my school/college be contacted?

If you are currently at school/college we will contact them to confirm your predicted GCSE grades and get general information about how you are progressing. We will also keep them up to date with the progress of your application.

Post Application Questions

What if I change my mind about my course?

If at any point during the application process you wish to change your programme choice, please contact us as soon as possible please. We can change a programme choice, but your original one will be withdrawn. Do not make a second application.

If you have already been made an offer, you will have to attend another interview for your new course.

Will I need a DBS check for my course

If your programme features contact with children or vulnerable adults, you will be asked to complete a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check before starting your programme. This will be listed as entry criteria in our prospectus.

There will be an additional cost associated with this.

When is my Welcome and Induction Day?

You will need to come to College for one day on either Monday 30th June 2025 (Colchester Campus only) or Tuesday 1st July 2025 (Colchester and Braintree Campus) to attend a Welcome and Induction Day. These are important for you to attend to start your induction and find out more about your programme of study. Keep checking your emails as we will send out more information about this, and other updates, throughout the year.

Enrolment Questions

How is my place on my course confirmed?

You will be told how to upload you GCSE results, and any other qualifications you are taking or have already achieved, on Thursday 21st August 2025. Even if you have studied at Colchester Institute before you must still upload evidence of your exam results.

When these are received, the course tutors check them against the published entry criteria and confirm your offer on the most appropriate level of study for you, and ask you to complete your enrolment online.

You must check your email account regularly to make sure you know what to do, we will set a 2pm deadline on Friday August 22nd 2025 to upload evidence of your qualifications. If you miss this deadline there is no guarantee that you will get a place on your course.

What if I don’t achieve the results I need?

Even if you haven’t got the grades you need you must still follow the instructions and upload you results on Thursday 21st August 2025. The course tutors will need to see these in case there is another level of course you can go on. If not you will receive an email with a link to book a slot onto one of our Advice Sessions. These sessions allow you to talk to other course areas, or our careers team, to see if there is something else suitable.

When is the start of term?

Wednesday 3rd September 2025, but start dates are staggered across the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of that week. You will receive your actual start date and first day information shortly after your enrolment – so look out for the information when it comes.

When will timetables be issued?

In most cases, timetables cannot be confirmed until after enrolment is concluded and students are sorted into groups. Actual timetables are usually shared on the first day of term.

When I finish my programme, will I be able to progress onto the next level of study?

We always encourage our students to aim high to achieve their full potential. On most programmes there is an opportunity to progress on to a higher level and after Level 3 we offer a number of different degree level programmes too. Progression to a higher level is not guaranteed and will be subject to you gaining a satisfactory result in the preceding qualification and meeting the necessary entry requirements for the higher level qualification.