Colchester Institute is celebrating after being nominated as a finalist in the upcoming 2022 Essex Countywide Business Awards.
Nominated for the Environmental Award category, the College is delighted to receive recognition for its continuing commitment to raising awareness of environmental issues among its 10,000 staff and students.
After declaring a climate emergency in October 2021, the College has invested in several initiatives. These include a £5.1m in a Decarbonisation Scheme to replace building elements and gas boilers with Air Source Heat Pumps, ensuring a saving of 290 tonnes of carbon emissions annually, and installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on site.
The College has planted 195 trees during the last 12 months across all sites and a wildflower meadow at Braintree Campus, but the main focus was to raise awareness of the environment through the development of a flagship programme of carbon literacy – a tutorial programme for all Level 2 and Level 3 students at the College.
Gary Horne, Deputy Chief Executive at Colchester Institute, said, “We are absolutely thrilled to be nominated for this Countywide award in recognition of all we have done so far to raise awareness about the environment, and this will remain a strategic priority for Colchester Institute”
Also nominated for an award is Henry Rollings, a digital marketing apprentice who undertakes his training at the College.
Henry was nominated by his assessor Denise Moreton for the Apprentice of the Year Award, as he has excelled in his apprenticeship whilst overcoming personal adversity at the same time.
Henry said, “I am beyond humbled by this nomination and proud of how far I have come. Being nominated for this award proves you can join and do well in an apprenticeship at any age. If you apply yourself and believe in what you do, you really can achieve whatever you wish.”