Since September 2020 Swann Engineering have taken on 12 Colchester Institute Apprentices from our Braintree Campus and would like to continue with more this year.
Colchester Institute have a great working relationship with Swann Engineering and their senior staff visit regularly. This helps maintain industry links with the college to ensure the Apprentices are getting the skills and experience employers are looking for.
The picture below was taken on the occasion of a recent delivery of steel to the College – kindly donated by Swann for our Engineering Students to use in our fabulous workshops.
Swann join a number of other local engineering firms in supporting Engineering students at the Braintree Campus. Other organisations include, M & S Precision Engineers, Elmdale Welding and Engineering Supplies, Maycast Nokes and Braintree Precision Components! Thank you to them all for enriching our student experience in so many ways!

Swann Engineering with Colchester Institute Students