Celebrating exam success!
There were celebrations last week as our students received their grades for BTEC exams sat this January.
After two years of uncertainty surrounding exams due to the pandemic, with results based on teacher-assessments due to exams being cancelled, students have displayed exceptional resilience and determination in tackling what for some of them have been their first public examinations.
With just the coursework units remaining before they attain their full qualification, many students have achieved results that will go a long way towards applications to a range of universities, or onto their chosen career path.
BTEC Level 3 Diplomas are work related applied general qualifications equivalent to A levels, and are designed to deliver the skills required for different careers. The courses are a mix of theory and practical, and students develop the skills and knowledge to progress to a range of next steps including university, apprenticeships or the world of work.
More than a thousand students sat exams across a wide range of subject areas including Science, Early Years, Health and Social Care, Engineering, Construction and Public Services, with some outstanding results in every area.
Business and Computing students were amongst the highest achievers, averaging 99% pass rates for both exams taken for each subject, whilst many students achieved distinctions across all subject areas.
With exams weighing heavily towards their overall grade, Carmel Asbury, Head of Business, Accounting & Computing is delighted with the student’s success.
“It was fantastic to see the results in the BTEC Level 3 January exam series for Computing and Business students, who have had so much disruption to their education in the last two years. There were no adaptations given for these exams, which makes this such a credible achievement and will boost the student’s confidence. On completion of their course these students will go on to University, Higher and Degree Apprenticeships, into employment or set up their own business.”
Charlie Williamson, a Business Level 3 student was pleased with his results and spoke about his plans for the future.
“I was very happy to receive the grades that I feel I deserve after the last two years of hard work at college. Having never sat a physical exam before, it made me a bit sceptical about the process, however I received constant support and mentoring from my tutors. The grades in which I have achieved will enable me to progress onto a degree apprenticeship after completing my course this year.”