New Health and Care Academy

Health and Care Academy launches in Essex

Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) is at the forefront of new work with Health Education England to encourage young people to consider a career in health care.

Health Education England is rolling out health and care academies across England starting in the East of England to give young people the chance to meet experienced health care professionals and gain an insight into the many and varied careers available in the NHS and social care.

Health & Care Academy

EPUT is leading on the first programme in Essex this month involving 20 students, aged 16 to 18, studying for a health and care diploma here with us at Colchester Institute.

Anthea Hockly, Associate Director of Workforce Development and Learning at EPUT, said: “EPUT is pleased to be leading on the delivery of the first programme of the Health and Care Academy.

“There is a vast array of career opportunities on offer in health and social care, from nurse to IT specialist. The aim of this programme is to highlight some of those roles and help students already on the path to a career in health and care, plan their next steps.”

Over seven virtual sessions, students can ask health care workers questions about their roles and the career opportunities available when they leave college, including apprenticeships.

Some of the careers highlighted include midwifery, psychiatry, mental health nursing, learning disability nursing, paediatrics, allied health professionals and non-clinical roles such as estates management.

Interactive sessions will also help students improve their interview and CV writing skills.

Suzanne McKay, Area Head of Access, Health and Social Care and Science at Colchester Institute, said: “This programme will provide young adults with the opportunity to ask questions of professionals at all stages of their careers, bringing life to examples and in depth discussions to case studies and experiences.”

Other partners involved in the Health and Care Academy include Health Education England, East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust, Essex County Council., Anglia Ruskin University and North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group.

It is hoped the programme will launch in other areas of Essex later this year.